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doors and rooms攻略3-8_doors and rooms攻略4-10_1

ysladmin 2024-06-07
doors and rooms攻略3-8_doors and rooms攻略4-10       现在,我将着重为大家解答有关doors and rooms攻略3-8的问题,希望我的回答能够给大家带来一些启发。关于doors a
doors and rooms攻略3-8_doors and rooms攻略4-10

       现在,我将着重为大家解答有关doors and rooms攻略3-8的问题,希望我的回答能够给大家带来一些启发。关于doors and rooms攻略3-8的话题,我们开始讨论吧。

1.门和房间 Doors and Rooms的游戏评测




doors and rooms攻略3-8_doors and rooms攻略4-10

门和房间 Doors and Rooms的游戏评测


       游戏中,很多细节都不能错过,比如一张碎纸片都有可能隐藏着脱逃的暗示, 或者一些基本常识要记得运用,声音可能也能给你暗示。

       当然我们看游戏攻略 就比较容易玩了;



       Run This Town----Lucy Hale(梦中)

        Hold on cause I'm letting go

       淡定点 因为姐要全力出击了

       I'm gonna lasso your heart like a rodeo

       我会俘获你的心 就像牛仔套住斗牛

       I'm gonna give you some till you want some more

       我会给你一些爱 除非你想好更多

       Cause all I see is an open door


       And I see where it's leading me

       我看到它在指引我 它所有的能量

       All of this energy, been bottled for way too long

       都被压抑太久 It's powerful, powerful

       它很强大 很强大

       You see what I'm getting at

       I'm ready for all of that

       我懂我的意思吧 我已经整装待发

       If I'm not a star, you're blind

       说我不是明星 是你没有眼光

       I've got rings on my fingers

       And glitter in my hair

       我手戴漂亮戒指 我头发闪闪发亮

       I bought a one-way ticket

       And I just got here

       我手拿单程票 刚刚抵达此处

       I'm gonna run this town

       Run this town

       我要跑遍这座城市 跑遍这座城市

       I'm gonna run this town

       Run this town

       我要跑遍这座城市 跑遍这座城市

       I've got high heel stilettos

       And I'm kicking in doors

       我脚踩细高跟鞋 我踹开一扇扇心门

       And kissing your feet ain't what my lipstick's for

       我这么闪亮亮 可不是要讨好你

       I'm gonna run this town

       Run this town

       我要跑遍这座城市 跑遍这座城市

       I'm gonna run this town

       Run this town tonight

       今晚 我要跑遍这座城市 跑遍这座城市

       Bless Myself------Lucy Hale(Guy在车上打电话)There's a little secret I would like to tell you(我想告诉你个小秘密)There's a book of lies I know they'll try to sell you(我知道他们在骗你)

       And they'll try and they'll try to convince you to buy(他们要你相信)

       You need them(谎言是真的)

       So the next time you're down Look inside,not around(于是下次你便错了)

       I can dress myself(我可以自己打扮)

       There's no need for someone's help(不需他人帮忙)

       There's no one to blame(无人可责备)

       There's no one to save you but yourself(唯有自救)

       I can justify(我能判断)

       All the mistakes in my life(所犯的错)

       It's taught me to be It's given to me(获益良多)

       And I'll survive(我会重生)

       'Cause I have blessed myself(因为我自我保佑)

       Do you ever wonder How anything can make you cry?(你想知道为何哭泣)

       Have yourself discover(你可发现)

       That the pain you feel is the pain that you deny(痛苦是自己造成的)

       You can bless yourself(你可自我保佑)

       There's no need for someone else(无需别人)

       There's no one to blame There's no one to save you but yourself(无人可责备。唯有自救)

       I can justify(我能判断)

       All the mistakes in my life(所犯的错)

       It's taught me to be It's given to me(获益良多)

       And I'll survive(我会重生)

       'Cause I have blessed myself(因为我自我保佑)

       Make You Believe------------Lucy Hale(女主在两母女监视下试音)

       Plug in the mic, open the curtains


       Turn on the lights, I'm through rehearsing


       The feeling ignites, I'm in control


       The crowds in the palm of my hands,All my fans stand


       what is the truth?What's an illusion?


       You're searching for proof ,But are you certain?


       Whatever you see is what you get


       If words paint a picture thenI betcha I can getcha yet

       如果语言是画那我打赌我可以得到你 耶

       I'll make you believe in me


       I can be what you want me to be


       Tonight is the night Where I make you see


       That I can be anything,Anything, anything


       I'll make you believe in me


       I can be what you want me to be


       Tonight is the night Where I make you see


       That I can be anything,Anything, anything


       I got nothing to lose,


       I've been exposed


       I'm paying my dues, playing the role


       I'm breaking the rules, flowing the flow


       I've got the whole world nodding "yes"


       Like some bobble heads


       I'll break a sweat, if you wanna


       Confess all your sins, you know you got 'em


       The rooms in a spin, the fever's pitched I swear there's no doub


       t I'm legit


       I'm no counterfeit


       I'll make you believe in me


       I can be what you want me to be


       Tonight is the night Where I make you see


       That I can be anything Anything, anything


       I'll make you believe in me


       I can be what you want me to be


       Tonight is the night Where I make you see


       That I can be anything Anything, anything






















































































       Paris has long inspired opinionated outbursts, from delusional to denouncing, but on one matter travelers remain in agreement: it’s among the most stimulating cities in the world. Paris assaults all the senses, demanding to be seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelt. From luminescent landmarks to fresh poodle droppings on the pavement, the city is everything it should be - the very essence of all French things. If you come here expecting all you’ve heard to be true, you won’t leave disappointed.

       Paris is at its best during the temperate spring months (March to May), with autumn coming in a close second. In winter, there are all sorts of cultural events to tempt the visitor, but school holidays can clog the streets with the little folk. August is usually hot and sticky, and it’s also when many Parisians take their yearly vacations, so businesses are likely to be closed.

       Musée du Louvre

       Louvre is probably one of the most world-renowned sightseeing places in Paris. This enormous building, constructed around 1200 as a fortress and rebuilt in the mid-16th century for use as a royal palace, began its career as a public museum in 1793. As part of Mitterand’s grands projets in the 1980s, the Louvre was revamped with the addition of a 21m (67ft) glass pyramid entrance. Initially deemed a failure, the new design has since won over those who regard consistency as inexcusably boring. Vast scrums of people puff and pant through the rooms full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory (which looks like it’s been dropped and put back together). If the clamor becomes unbearable, your best bet is to pick a period or section of the Louvre and pretend that the rest is somewhere across town.

       Eiffel Tower

       This towering edifice was built for the World Fair of 1889, held to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution. Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, it stands 320m (1050ft) high and held the record as the world’s tallest structure until 1930. Initially opposed by the city’s artistic and literary elite - who were only affirming their right to disagree with everything - the tower was almost torn down in 1909. Salvation came when it proved an ideal platform for the antennas needed for the new science of radio telegraphy. When you’re done peering upwards through the girders, you can visit any of the three public levels, which can be accessed by lift or stairs. Just south-east of the tower is a grassy expanse that was once the site of the world’s first balloon flights and is now used by teens as a skateboarding arena or by activists bad-mouthing Chirac.

       Avenue des Champs-élysées

       A popular promenade for the ostentatious aristos of old, the Avenue des Champs-élysées has long symbolised the style and joie de vivre of Paris. Encroaching fast-food joints, car showrooms and cinemas have somewhat dulled the sheen, but the 2km (1mi) long, 70m (235ft) wide stretch is still an ideal place for evening walks and relishing the food at overpriced restaurants.

       Centre Georges Pompidou

       The Centre Georges Pompidou, displaying and promoting modern and contemporary art, is far and away the most visited sight in Paris. Built between 1972 and 1977, the hi-tech though daffy design has recently begun to age, prompting face-lifts and closures of many parts of the centre. Woven into this mêlée of renovation are several good (though pricey) galleries plus a free, three-tiered library with over 2000 periodicals, including English-language newspapers and magazines from around the world. A square just to the west attracts street musicians, Marcel Marceau impersonators and lots of unsavoury types selling drugs or picking pockets.

       Notre Dame

       The city’s cathedral ranks as one of the greatest achievements of Gothic architecture. Notre Dame was begun in 1163 and completed around 1345; the massive interior can accommodate over 6000 worshippers. Although Notre Dame is regarded as a sublime architectural achievement, there are all sorts of minor anomalies as the French love nothing better than to mess with things. These include a trio of main entrances that are each shaped differently, and which are accompanied by statues that were once coloured to make them more effective as Bible lessons for the hoi polloi. The interior is dominated by spectacular and enormous rose windows, and a 7800-pipe organ that was recently restored but has not been working properly since. From the base of the north tower, visitors with ramrod straight spines can climb to the top of the west fa?ade and decide how much aesthetic pleasure they derive from looking out at the cathedral’s many gargoyles - alternatively they can just enjoy the view of a decent swathe of Paris. Under the square in front of the cathedral, an archaeological crypt displays in situ the remains of structures from the Gallo-Roman and later periods.

       Sainte Chapelle

       Lying inside the Palais de Justice (law courts), Sainte Chapelle was consecrated in 1248 and built to house what was reputedly Jesus’ crown of thorns and other relics purchased by King Louis IX earlier in the 13th century. The gem-like chapel, illuminated by a veritable curtain of 13th-century stained glass (the oldest and finest in Paris), is best viewed from the law courts’ main entrance - a magnificently gilded, 18th-century gate. Once past the airport-like security, you can wander around the long hallways of the Palais de Justice and, if you can find a court in session, observe the proceedings. Civil cases are heard in the morning, while criminal trials - usually reserved for larceny or that French speciality crimes passionnel - begin after lunch.

       Musée d’Orsay

       Spectacularly housed in a former railway station built in 1900, the Musée d’Orsay was reinaugurated in its present form in 1986. Inside is a trove of artistic treasures produced between 1848 and 1914, including highly regarded Impressionist and Post-impressionist works. Most of their paintings and sculptures are found on the ground floor and the skylight-lit upper level, while the middle level has some magnificent rooms showcasing the Art-Nouveau movement. Nearby, the Musée Rodin displays the lively bronze and marble sculptures by Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin, including casts of some of Rodin’s most celebrated works. There’s a shady sculpture garden out the back, one of Paris’ treasured islands of calm.

       Cimetière du Père Lachaise

       [R-p5]Established in 1805, this necropolis attracts more visitors than any similar structure in the world. Within the manicured, evergreen enclosure are the tombs of over one million people including such luminaries as the composer Chopin; the writers Molière, Apollinaire, Oscar Wilde, Balzac, Marcel Proust and Gertrude Stein; the artists David, Delacroix, Pissarro, Seurat and Modigliani; the actors Sarah Bernhardt, Simone Signoret and Yves Montand; the singer édith Piaf; and the dancer Isadora Duncan. The most visited tomb, however, is that of The Doors lead singer, Jim Morrison, who died in Paris in 1971. One hundred years earlier, the cemetery was the site of a fierce battle between Communard insurgents and government troops. The rebels were eventually rounded up against a wall and shot, and were buried where they fell in a mass grave.

       Place des Vosges

       The Marais district spent a long time as a swamp and then as agricultural land, until in 1605 King Henry IV decided to transform it into a residential area for Parisian aristocrats. He did this by building Place des Vosges and arraying 36 symmetrical houses around its square perimeter. The houses, each with arcades on the ground floor, large dormer windows, and the requisite creepers on the walls, were initially built of brick but were subsequently constructed using timber with a plaster covering, which was then painted to look like brick. Duels, fought with strictly observed formality, were once staged in the elegant park in the middle. From 1832-48 Victor Hugo lived at a house at No 6, which has now been turned into a municipal museum. Today, the arcades around the place are occupied by expensive galleries and shops, and cafés filled with people drinking little cups of coffee and air-kissing immaculate passersby.

       Bois de Boulogne

       The modestly sized Bois de Boulogne, on the western edge of the city, is endowed with forested areas, meandering paths, belle époque cafes and little wells of naughtiness. Each night, pockets of the Bois de Boulogne are taken over by prostitutes and lurkers with predacious sexual tastes. In recent years, the police have cracked down on the area’s sex trade, but locals still advise against walking through the area alone at night.

       Outer ?le de France

       The relatively small region surrounding Paris - known as the ?le de France (Island of France) - was where the kingdom of France began its 12th-century expansion. Today, it’s a popular day-trip destination for Parisians and Paris-based visitors. Among the region’s many attractions are woodlands ideal for hiking, skyscrapered districts endowed with sleekly functional architecture, the much-maligned EuroDisney, elegant historical towns and Versailles, the country’s former political capital and seat of the royal court. The latter is the site of the Chateau de Versailles, the grandest and most famous palace in France. Built in the mid-1600s during the reign of Louis XIV, the chateau is a keen reminder of just how much one massive ego and a nation’s wealth could buy in days of old (eat your heart out, Bill Gates). Apart from grand halls, bedchambers, gardens, ponds and fountains too elaborate to discuss, there’s also a 75m (250ft) Hall of Mirrors, where nobles dressed like ninnies could watch each other dancing.
















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